

The Discreet Charm of Prime Numbers
A Poetry Chapbook
Finishing Line Press (2013)
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In Gravity's Pull
(finalist, Eric Hoffer Award, legacy category)
I.M.L. Publications (2002)
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Paradigm (2013)
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Purchase from chelseaeditionsbooks.org


recent publications

The Traveler’s Vade Mecum. Edited by Helen Ross. Red Hen Press. 2016. “a sad accident has happened”

Poetry chapbook: The Discreet Charm of Prime Numbers. Forthcoming, Finishing Line Press.

The FSG Book of Italian Poetry: An Anthology. 2012. Translations of poems by the Italian poet, Afredo de Palchi.

qarrtsiluni. September 20, 2011. “The Discreet Charm of Prime Numbers: a poem in 5 parts”

The Madison Review. Fall 2010. “Knife.”

Salt Hill Journal, Volume 26, 2010. “Gift River,” “Storm Center.”

California Quarterly, Volume 36, #1, 2010. “High Stakes.”

Barrow Street Review, Spring, 2010. “Oars of Light”

A Sow’s Ear Poetry Review. 2007. “Combustion” and “The Calling.”

Verse Daily. July 24, 2006. “Either/Or”

Chelsea. Spring, 2006. Poems. “Of the Bus of Desire,” “Mise en Scene, “ “Either/Or,” “White Noise, “ and “Prime Numbers.”

Marlboro Review. Spring, 2006. Poems. “”Broken Record,” “Timbre,” “Future Tense,” and “Falling Through Light in the Dark.”

Headwater’s Press. 2002. “Vade Mecum: A poem in 12 parts”

In Gravity’s Pull. 2002. IML Publications. A full-length manuscript of poems.

Addictive Aversions. 2000. Xenos Books. Translation of poems by Alfredo dePalchi.

New Orleans Review. 2000 Translation of “Your Skirt” by Italian poet, Alfredo dePalchi.

The Virginia Quarterly Review. Spring, 1996. “The Spell” and “Tightrope Walker.” Poems.

Chelsea. Spring, 1995. “Listen to Darkness,” “Hunger Universal,” and “The Well.” Poems.

Gulf Coast. Spring, 1992. “Creation Story” Sequence Poem.